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The Faculty of Governance, Economics and Social Sciences


Academic Education

All undergraduate and graduate study programs of Social Sciences, Economics and Humanities Cluster are housed at Faculty of Governance, Economics and Social Sciences (FGSES). The Bachelor’s, Master’s and the Ph. D levels in the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences lay due emphasis upon public policy-making and analysis of  specific issues within Morocco  and, more broadly,  the African Continent as a whole. Such programs combine the classical corpus knowledge with the latest findings, discoveries and insights in social sciences, economics and humanities to ensure world-class tuition and research in four major disciplinary areas: Applied Economics, Political Science, International Relations and Behavioral Sciences for Public Policy.

At the undergraduate level, students combine the major stream of their choice with a concentration track. They can choose from seven concentration areas: Law, Decision & Behavior, Data Analysis for Politics, Political Economy & Development studies, Business, Political Science and International Relations. Such a pedagogical arrangement allows students to make well thought out choices in light of their goals and thereby develop skills that are high-in-demand in the job marketplace. 

Study programs aim to foster autonomy in learning, hindsight in thinking and discernment in decision-making. They allow students to combine personal fulfillment with a commitment to the common good and thus offer them excellent career opportunities in administrations, international organizations as well as research institutions. 


Discover our programs

Our programs consist of core Bachelor's and Master's courses in addition to language courses, elective courses and bootcamps


Inside FGSES

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