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MAScIR - Moroccan Foundation for Advanced Science, Innovation and Research

MAScIR Foundation

MAScIR Foundation is a non-profit association that reports to the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University. Created in 2007, it aims to promote and develop technological research centers in the fields of materials and nanomaterials, biotechnology, microelectronics, and advanced materials. Its work is oriented towards applied research and innovation to meet market needs.


MAScIR in figure











“Innovate to build our future”

The MAScIR Foundation is a non-profit association related to Mohammed VI Polytechnic University. Created in 2007, it aims to promote and develop technological research centers in the fields of materials and nanomaterials, biotechnology, microelectronics, and life sciences. Its work is oriented towards applied research and innovation to meet market needs.

MAScIR has cutting-edge scientific platforms and a high level of human capital. Its researchers operate in different innovative and complementary fields. From mines to renewable energies, via health and transport, the research carried out at MAScIR focuses on the current and future needs of industry, agriculture and economic operators in general.

The MAScIR Foundation also aims at promoting the results of its research and its invention patents, through technology transfer, the creation of spin-offs and start-ups in order to contribute to the emergence in Morocco of a knowledge based economy.

The purpose of the Foundation is to promote and develop research and technological development centers in Morocco that meet market needs in the nanotechnology, biotechnology, digital technology, microelectronics, life sciences and all other advanced technology.

To this end MAScIR has the following missions :

· Serve as development support for the advanced technological sectors mentioned above.

· Promote the development of human resources and skills of international standard in these sectors.

· Conduct applied research and the development of technological applications in order to generate intellectual and industrial property in these sectors and in line with market needs in these areas.

· Conclude partnerships and serve as a link between industry and academic structures ;

· Foster the emergence of innovative companies based on technological developments carried out.

· Contribute to the training of highly qualified skills in the fields relating to its object and / or its missions.

“Research center of excellence with an international dimension”

MAScIR aims at scientific and technological excellence through:

· A platform with state-of-the-art equipment.

· Recognized collaborators in their areas of expertise.

· Academic and industrial partnerships on an international scale.

· High-level scientific production.

· Une production scientifique de haut niveau.