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Master’s Program in Fertilizer Science and Technology

Master’s Program in Fertilizer Science and Technology

Accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation.

  • School / Department : School of Agriculture, Fertilizatoin and Environmental Sciences (ESAFE) / AgBS

  • Duration : 2 years 

  • Mode of Instruction : Full Time Master’s

  • Language(s) : English

  • Degree required upon admission : BAC+3

  • Degree granted upon completion : BAC+5

  • Training venue : Mohammed VI Polytechnic University – Benguerir

  • Interrupted program


The goal of this Master’s program in Fertilizer Science and Technology is to prepare graduates possessing broad knowledge of fertilizer and soil fertility to become specialists and experts working on the next generation of fertilizers and management of the fertilizer industry. The program is designed to provide the most comprehensive training possible in this field.
It is important to underline that Morocco does not train specialists in this field and even on the international level such type of training is becoming rarer. In the US, universities haven’t had any official fertilizer and soil fertility program since the 1980s. Currently, it is very difficult to find a university with more than one professor doing research in this field. Rightly as well, several specialists in the field of fertilizer science and technology at the global level will be gradually retiring within the next 5 years.
This program provides sustained training for students, senior managers and leaders in the fields of fertilizers and soil fertility, with a strong highlight on the environmental dimension.

At the end of the training, students will be able to:

  • Develop new fertilizer products; Reduce costs while increasing the quality of fertilizers;

  • Evaluate and correct soil fertility to maximize crop productivity;

  • Develop diagnostic and communication tools to rationalize and promote fertilizers;

  • Act on the entire value chain of the phosphate fertilizer industry;

  • Evaluate the physical and chemical characteristics / quality of fertilizers;

  • Develop standards of interpretation of soil and plant analyses;

  • Set up laboratories for analysis related to soil fertility and fertilizers;

  • Design and manage environmental studies projects;

  • Design, monitor and evaluate research in the areas of fertilizer and soil fertility management;

  • Produce soil fertility maps using GIS and practice precision farming;

  • Conduct technical-economic evaluations of projects;

  • Manage projects related to fertilizers and soil fertility;

  • Identify and implement actions related to sustainable development (social equity, environment and economic efficiency);

  • Work in a team, in a multicultural and multidisciplinary context;

  • Create and manage small and medium sized enterprises (Entrepreneurship).

Beyond these technical skills, students will also acquire transversal skills in "soft skills" (communication, teamwork and English) and "business skills" (innovation, entrepreneurship, project management, ...) allowing them to interact effectively in their future work environments.

Pr. Abdallah OUKARROUM


Pr. Abdallah OUKARROUM is a plant physiologist with a strong research interest in the functional plasticity of plants under stress. According to a Scientific paper recently published by Stanford University, he was ranked as one of the 2% top scientists in the world in 2021.

Through his Ph.D. thesis at the University of Geneva in Switzerland, Abdallah Oukarroum acquired extensive experience in the study of alterations in the photosynthetic apparatus of plants under drought and heat stresses.

At the University of Quebec in Montreal in Canada, Abdallah Oukarroum has been interested in understanding the inhibitory effects and bioaccumulation of metals and metallic nanoparticles at the membrane and cellular levels on aquatic plants.

Currently, at University Mohammed VI Polytechnic (UM6P) in Morocco, Abdallah Oukarroum’s research group focuses on the elucidation of the biochemical-physiological mechanisms underlying adaptation and acclimation responses of plants to environmental stress.

Pr Oukarroum also occupies the position of director of the School of Agriculture, Fertilization & Environmental Sciences (ESAFE-UM6P).

  • Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II, MOROCCO
  •  African Plant Nutrition Institute, MOROCCO
  • International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC), USA
  • University of Georgia, USA
  • Cadi Ayyad University, MOROCCO
  • Mohammed V University, MOROCCO
  • University of Minnesota, USA
  • McGill University, CANADA
  • University of North Calorina, USA  
  • National Institute of Agronomic Research, MOROCCO
  • International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), LEBANON
  • MaBioVa, Erasmus+, MOROCCO
  • Les Domaines, MOROCCO
  • OCP Africa, MOROCCO


In a unique approach, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University implements an innovative teaching and research model, focused on experimentation (learning by doing). The University's sites are equipped with "Living Labs", dedicated to applied research. These laboratories are real-scale work and training platforms (mining facilities, experimental farms, factories, towns, etc.) open to the scientific community as well as students.

As part of the Master’s FST, students will have access to:

  • The experimental farm

  • Khouribga mining site

  • Chemical site of Jorf Lasfar

Finally, pedagogical dynamics encourage active participation of students, creativity and group work; they also encourage learning autonomy.



This degree opens great opportunities for students in both the academic and corporate sectors. The graduates of this master will have several career options in several areas such as:

  • Process engineering related to fertilizer manufacturing;

  • Innovation in the field of fertilizers; 

  • Soil fertility management;

  • Fertilizer formulation and recommendation; 

  • Phosphate and other fertilizers value chain; 

  • Restoring fertility of degraded soils; 

  • Nutrient management in the soil and nutrients deficiency diagnosis; 

  • Logistics and communication in relation to the valorization, marketing and rationalization of fertilizers;

  • Environmental impact studies.

They may also pursue research work as part of a PhD or create their own startups.

Admission and Practical Information


This Master’s program is open to students who have a bachelor’s or engineer’s degree in science with high level of English proficiency, or equivalent.

We invite you to sign up online via the link by completing the requested information or by contacting us at: .

If you are shortlisted, you will be invited to a written competitive examination followed by an oral interview in keeping with the following schedule:

  • 15th of June : Application deadline

  • June- July : Written examination and oral interview

  • End of July-August : Admission results and receipt of scholarship application files

  • September/Early October : Start of term.

Given the current health situation, the dates and admission process may change. We will keep you informed.


The tuition fees are:

  • Registration fees (year 1): 5,000 MAD

  • Annual tuition fees: 75,000 MAD

Added to this are accommodation fees and catering on campus.

Scholarships can be awarded to the brightest students via an attractive scholarship scheme based on meritocracy and social criteria. The scholarships benefit a large number of our students. We invite you to contact us for more information.



For any questions, we invite you to contact the persons in charge below:

Pr. Abdallah OUKARROUM

Pr. Abdallah OUKARROUM

ESAFE's Director


Pr. Abdallah OUKARROUM

Mr. Ismail GHORBAL

Mr. Ismail GHORBAL  

Program Officer ESAFE

Emails : 


Mr. Ismail GHORBAL