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Materials Science and Nanoengineering (MSN)

More than 45 researchers and PhD students are active within the department today. Our researchers have produced 47 indexed journal papers and over 100 communications in 2018, making it a growing force in the Moroccan materials research scene. 

To facilitate our rapid development, MSN is partnering with world leading researchers throughout the world and its students are benefiting from internships at some of the best labs in the USA, Sweden, Germany and France. 

  • To develop a culture of transformation that embeds innovation in research and education while promoting solution development and entrepreneurship (adapted to Moroccan and African challenges)
  • To establish MSN as the materials science and engineering strategic partner of OCP

Our mission is to build a research, education and innovation department that addresses local regional and African challenges and provides scientific solutions that have social, economic and environmental impact. 

  • Focus on applied research that benefits the local, national and African challenges while building capacities within the University.
  • Develop efficient educational and pedagogical models based on problem-based learning approaches and implement them in MSN’s academic programs. 
  • Encourage innovation and entrepreneurship through interdisciplinarity, training programs and bootcamps. 

The four scientific divisions of MSN are as follows:

  • Phosphates and by-products
  • Polymers and composites
  • Energy materials
  • Surface technology