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African center for agricultural applied economics and development

Its objective is twofold: 

  • Conduct research to improve knowledge and understanding of the issues and challenges of African agricultural development in its various components and the wide range of situations.
  • Develop and propose to the African scientific community, as well as public and private actors, appropriate economic approaches and tools for policy analysis, evaluation and design to support economic decision-making processes in the areas of renewable resource management and inclusive sustainable agricultural development.

The African-CAAED Center is a platform for research, incubating teams of young future researchers and creating networks of researchers, academics and experienced national and international experts working in the field of applied agricultural economics, natural resources, the environment and are interested in development in general, and particularly in African development.

Beyond the need to capitalize on the accumulation of knowledge and understanding at the international level, African-CAAED proposes to bring solutions and new approaches to the development problems of southern countries by starting from development issues specific to these countries and exploring new avenues of research, even when risks need to be taken.

It is imperative that the results of this research be published, in accordance with international academic standards, and be translated into guides and tools for analysis and public policy development.

The mission of the Center is to analyze the various African and international contexts and experiences and to draw lessons from them to identify new policy alternatives relevant to agricultural and rural development in Africa. Through the themes addressed within the African-CAAED Center, the ambition is to contribute, through research, to a quantitative and qualitative leap towards inclusive, efficient, competitive and sustainable agricultural development in Africa.


The issues addressed by the African-CAAED Center relate primarily, but not limited to agricultural development, rural development and the management of renewable natural resources. Based on a holistic and multidimensional approach, agricultural and rural development is approached from different points of view for an effective consideration of the influences and interrelations that public policies have with agricultural and rural development at different geographical scales.

The topics are structured in eight interdependent themes, namely:

  • Agricultural growth and development models
  • Factor markets, commodity markets, institutions and public policies
  • Agricultural risk management
  • Public policies for agricultural and rural development
  • Natural resource management, environment and sustainable development.
  • Technological change and agricultural development
  • Food Security
  • International markets for agricultural products: market operation, regional integration and competitiveness