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Arts et Métiers Campus of Rabat organized a conference focusing on energy transition


Last week, Arts et Métiers Campus of Rabat, in partnership with the Alumni of graduate engineers from Arts et Métiers ParisTech, and in synergy with the University Mohammed VI Polytechnic, welcomed experts and academics to explore the challenges and opportunities linked to the energy transition.

This theme is crucial for Morocco, Africa, and the whole world. Indeed, faced with the environmental and economic challenges tackled, the energy transition included in the ecological transition appears to be an essential path to ensuring a sustainable and prosperous future.

Morocco, engaged in an ambitious policy under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, in terms of renewable energies, positions itself as a major player and leader in this area, offering opportunities and innovative solutions to respond to the challenges of climate change and energy security.

During this conference, experts and speakers shared with students the history of industry in Morocco, industrial, agricultural, and domestic self-production of electricity, as well as a presentation and testimonies on digitalization applied to solar energy.