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The 14th edition of “Les Tables Rondes de l’Arbois” took place at UM6P Campus in Benguerir



From the 2nd to the 3rd of May, the 14th edition of “Les Tables Rondes de l'Arbois - Atlantique-Afrique et Méditerranée” took place at UM6P Campus in Benguerir, under the theme “Soil, A Hope For The World”. 


By hosting leading scientists, policymakers, and industry leaders, this edition provided an opportunity to conduct valuable discussions focused on the latest research and innovative practices that enhance soil health and its capacity to support food security, environmental sustainability, and economic resilience. 


In this regard, our speakers highlighted the fact that addressing pressing global challenges such as climate change, water scarcity, and sustainable energy production, requires an understanding of the potential of healthy soils. 


Initially hosted at the University of Aix-Marseille, this event has found a new venue at UM6P, enhancing its commitment to bridging scientific research and public discourse. Founded with a scientific and industrial council, the conference serves as a critical platform for discussing complex societal challenges through a multidisciplinary lens.