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Science & Technology Cluster

This cluster aims to become a world quality reference in  education  and  thus  provides  its  students  with  an  excellent teaching and administrative staff, as well as a  vast  network  of  renowned  partners  at  the  national,  African  and  international  level.  These  dynamic  and  enthusiastic teams are not only in charge of teaching but  also  of  local  support  and  mentoring  of  students  throughout  the  training.These  courses  feature  interdisciplinarity  among  our  establishments and departments with the objective to respond  to  the  challenges  of  today’s  world  in  which  the  pressing  questions  are  complex  and  often  at  the  crossroads  of  several  disciplines.  They  combine  theoretical contributions and new pedagogies (Moocs, flipped   classes,   etc.)   with   numerous   applications   through  experimentation,  all  in  accordance  with  the  philosophy  of  UM6P.  To this end, the programs rely on the excellence of our research laboratories, which put their state-of-the-art infrastructure and equipment at the service of students, who  thus  have  regular  access  to  UM6P  Laboratories,  Fab Labs and Living Labs. These training courses aim to  train  a  new  generation  of  researchers,  executives  and  managers  who  are  competitive,  innovative  and  responsible