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UM6P & the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco signed an agreement to promote cultural and artistic initiatives

UM6P & the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco signed an agreement to promote cultural and artistic initiatives

On the 08th of December, University Mohammed VI Polytechnic and the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco signed an innovative partnership, aiming to promote culture and heritage on a national scale, with a particular focus on the regions of the South, at UM6P Campus in Benguerir. 

As part of this agreement, both institutions intend to foster the cultural development of students and local communities while consolidating links between the university and the region, and forging ties with other countries on the African continent. 

After the signing ceremony, attendees embarked on “RIHLA: Ibn Battouta's fabulous journeys”, a show featuring a mix of dance styles that captured the vibrant cultures and the essence of Ibn Battouta's legendary travels across 44 countries over 29 years.