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UM6P Campuses in Benguerir & Rabat organized the 2024 first Crowd Wisdom Day



As part of “Vision 2030” initiative, and after setting the trajectory for UM6P collective ambitions, challenges, and proposed solutions to shape the path forward for the future of our university, with over 500 community members bringing forth over 6,000 ideas, arguments, and ratings, UM6P Campuses in Benguerir & Rabat organized the Crowd Wisdom Day. 


This year, the volunteer facilitators from various departments have been instrumental in translating ideas into actionable solutions we can test through a series of dialogue and solution workshops with the community around issues that matter to them the most.


This year’s first Crowd Wisdom Day provided an opportunity for UM6P Community members to explore the DNA of the “Vision 2030” initiative, as well as the ambitions & challenges that emerged from the first learning loop. Then, workshops were organized in order to discuss collectively what of the proposed ideas work best, enrich the understanding of the issues at hand, and improve solution plans.