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Master’s in Data Modeling and Science

Master’s in Data Modeling and Science

Accredited by The Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation.

  • School / Department: IST&I / AL KHWARIZMI

  • Duration: 2 years / 4 semesters / 1,200 hours

  • Mode of Instruction: Full time

  • Language(s): Courses conducted in French and English

  • Degree required upon admission: BAC+3

  • Degree granted upon completion: BAC+5

  • Training Venue: Mohammed VI Polytechnic University – Benguerir

  • Upcoming Start: September 2022

The MSD Masters is part of the digital transformation that our university supports in order to aid the Moroccan and African industry. This training aims to develop data scientists capable of modeling phenomena or concepts, implementing state-of-the-art algorithms and interpreting the results following the analysis of raw and massive data.

This Masters addresses the initial approaches of data science, as well as the themes related to advanced algorithms and parallel and high-performance programming. Which allow the development of efficient, robust computer programs that consider energy consumption. This training is the product of extensive work with our various industrial partners, research laboratories and universities, both Moroccan and foreign.

At the end of the training, the graduate will have acquired pertinent knowledge and skills through one of two specialties:

Common Skills

  • Acquisition of the fundamentals of data science and decision support
  • Acquisition of a general knowledge of the data environment
  • Mastery of data mining, knowledge of extraction tools, algorithms and business intelligence
  • Mastery of data analysis tools and algorithms
  • Design of business intelligence applications
  • Database design 
  • Master communication in English, both written and oral.

Data Science

  • Knowledge of the "Datawarehouse" architecture
  • Mastery of issues related to IT and data security
  • Acquisition of modeling capacity and interpretation of data.


  • Modeling of physical or industrial phenomena
  • Acquisition of the fundamentals of the interaction between data and continuous/ discrete model and its impact in industrial applications or natural phenomena
  • Deepening of knowledge in high performance computing through GPU programming.

In addition to these technical skills, students will also be able to acquire transversal competences in "soft skills" (communication, teamwork and English) and "business skills" (innovation, entrepreneurship, project management, collective intelligence, ...) allowing them to interact effectively in their future working environments.



Pr. Ahmed RATNANI is Director of the AL KHWARIZMI Center at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University. Before joining UM6P, he led the Magnetohydrodynamics research group at the Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics in Munich, affiliated to the prestigious Max-Planck Society.

He has also worked at the French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energy Commission (CEA) and the National Research Institute for Digital Science and Technology (INRIA). Engineer in financial mathematics and holder of the Master 2 Research of Paris VI - Numerical Analysis and Partial Differential Equations, he carried out a thesis at the University of Strasbourg on isogeometric analysis in plasma physics and electromagnetism. His research work concerns digital simulation, high performance parallel computing, as well as the development of scientific code and innovative numerical methods

  • Cadi Ayyad University of Marrakech, MOROCCO

  • ENS Paris-Saclay, FRANCE

  • Mines - Paris Tech, FRANCE

  • University of Paris 13, FRANCE

  • Côte d'Azur University, FRANCE

  • University of Littoral of Opal Coast, FRANCE

  • Mohammed V University of Rabat, MOROCCO

  • Sultan Moulay Slimane University of Beni-Mellal, MOROCCO

  • Mohammed I University of Oujda, MOROCCO.




  • Programming and advanced databases
  • Numerical analysis and differential equations
  • Applied probabilities and random modeling
  • Optimization, Operational research 
  • Statistics and data analysis
  • Communication and professional English 1



  • Machine Learning
  • Stochastic optimization
  • Distributed computing, HPC
  • NLP, Speech Recognition, Web-Mining
  • Signal and image processing
  • Communication and professional English 2


S3 : Data Science

  • Data warehouse, BI, IT security
  • Designing a Mindset for New Learning 
  • Deep Learning, Computer Vision 
  • Discrete mathematics, graph theory
  • High dimensional approximation
  • Project


S3 : Modelization

  • Continuum mechanics
  • Conservation laws and finished volumes
  • Formulation and variational approximation
  • Domain breakdown
  • GPU programming
  • Project


End of Studies Project : at the end of the cycle, the student completes a 6-month end-of-study internship, in Morocco or abroad, allowing them to discover professional life in a company or in a research laboratory. The purpose of this internship is to put into practice the knowledge and skills acquired, both practical and theoretical, and to facilitate professional integration.



In a unique approach, University Mohammed VI Polytechnic implements an innovative teaching and research model focused on experimentation. With this in mind, the University's sites are equipped with "Living Labs" dedicated to applied research. These laboratories simulate actual work place situations as in mining facilities, experimental farms, factories, towns, etc.) open to the scientific community and students.

As part of the Master’s program - MSD, students will have access to the "simlab-cluster" computing machine, which consists of a number of servers and equipment, namely the computing servers, the administration server, the storage server, which is also a front-end server for user connection, as well as the network or interconnection equipment between the different servers. This type of machine is dedicated to testing, developing and debugging HPC (High Performance Calculator) codes, which are scaled to computation algorithms of big processing.

Digital education modes are part of this professionalization sector, which includes: access to dedicated E-learning platforms, access to online resource materials such as research databases or patent databases, access to the intranet of the UM6P.

Finally, pedagogical dynamics encourage active participation of students, creativity, group work; they also encourage learning autonomy.



This Masters opens great perspectives for students in both the academic and business worlds.

If you wish to continue your doctoral studies, you will find in this master’s degree a solid foundation in order to successfully complete your thesis at UM6P, in Morocco or abroad.

If you plan to go directly to the job market, this master’s degree prepares for jobs requiring skills in modeling, processing, analysis, data enrichment, whether in business or for self-employment/ business creation:

  • Data Scientist

  • Data Architect 

  • Data Protection Officer

  • Business Intelligence Project Manager

  • Engineer in Scientific Computing

  • High Performance Computing Engineer

  • Business Intelligence

  • Data Analyst

  • Data Manager

  • Scientific Data Manager

  • Research and Development Engineer

  • Distributed Systems Engineer

Admission and Practical Information


This Masters is open to holders of a bachelor’s degree in applied mathematics, computer science or an equivalent diploma.

We invite you to sign up online via the link by completing the requested information or by contacting us at: .

If you are shortlisted, you will be invited to a written competitive examination followed by an oral interview in keeping with the following schedule:

  • 15th of June : Application deadline

  • June - July : Written examination and oral interview

  • End of July-August : Admission results and receipt of scholarship application files

  • September/Early October : Start of term.

Given the current health situation, the dates and admission process may change. We will keep you informed.


The tuition fees are:

  • Registration fees (first year only): 5,000 MAD

  • Annual tuition fees: 75,000 MAD

Added to this are accommodation fees and catering on campus.

Scholarships can be awarded to the brightest students via an attractive scholarship scheme based on meritocracy and social criteria. The scholarships benefit a large number of our students.



For any questions, please feel free to contact the program management team : 


Pr. Ahmed RATNANI 

ALKHWARIZMI's Program Lead 

Email :