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Mohammed VI Polytechnic University is an institution oriented towards applied research and innovation with a focus on Africa.

The University is engaged in economic and human development and puts research and innovation at the forefront of African development.

A mechanism that enables it to consolidate Morocco’s frontline position in these fields, in a unique partnership-based approach and boosting skills training relevant for the future of Africa.

Located in Benguerir, near Marrakech, in the heart of the Mohammed VI Green City, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University intends to shine on a national, continental and international scale.

More than just a traditional academic institution, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P) is a platform for experimentation, a breeding ground for opportunities, which students refer to as a “School of Life".

Reduced representation of the outside world, with its challenges, perspectives and promises; the University aims to reveal the potential of Moroccan youth and students from all over Africa. UM6P is a hub of knowledge dedicated to research, high-level education and innovation to support the development of the continent. Our university is also committed to an innovative pedagogical approach which places learning by experimentation and practice at the heart of training and research. Our pedagogy is at the service of curiosity and creativity of students, professors and partners. 


This Safe Space, which welcomes life in all its diversity, complexity and opportunities, is not intended to simply train engineers, architects or even managers. UM6P is a new kind of learning environment: thanks to its Living Labs, Digital and Peer-to-peer learning, we want to accompany youth in their path of becoming pioneers solving the major challenges of our time. We want to support them so that they become innovators of lifelong learning solutions and transform obstacles into opportunities.

On a campus designed to foster scientific, cultural, sporting and artistic emulation, all infrastructures are open to the community. We would like everyone to appropriate the spaces and resources in order to instill a proactive and progressive state of mind focused on entrepreneurship and wealth creation. By promoting social and territorial inclusion, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University adopts a sustainable participatory approach: students are the main players in an academic experience creating shared value at the service of the entire ecosystem. We innovate, we study, build and move forward together.


With its core mission to develop knowledge, science and technology, the University is committed to achieving its ambitions.

• Giving birth to a new generation of competent leaders

• Promoting research

Promouvoir la recherche 

• Sharing the values of social responsibility and sustainable development

• Developing lasting partnerships

The Mohamed VI Green City of Benguerir, a sustainable economic, social and cultural ambition:

Launched in 2009 by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, as part of the OCP Group's major urban development projects, the Green City aims to establish itself as a world-class university hub, offering an attractive and ecologically exemplary living environment around a knowledge ecosystem. The city is positioned as a new city, with both local and national dimensions.
At local level, the project's scope, consistency, investment volume, attractiveness and duration will have a remarkable urban, economic and social impact on the neighbouring town of Benguerir.

His Majesty the King lays the 1st stone of the Green City project in 2009

Given the conception and ambition attached to UM6P, the heart of the new city, this project also has a national dimension, as UM6P is destined to play a major role in the success of the Kingdom's industrial emergence, through its contribution to training, research and innovation.

The Mohammed VI Green City is part of the LEED ND environmental certification process. The Green City's social and environmental exemplarity is pursued at every stage of development:

Urban planning :

Adaptation of the urban grid to natural conditions of sunshine and prevailing wind circulation, specific landscape design and plant policy, polycentric Coulée Verte, density management optimizing travel in relation to equipment locations, urban screening between pedestrian lanes, soft modes of transport, bioclimatic architecture.

Infrastructure design :

Photovoltaic panels, high-efficiency HVAC equipment optimizing energy efficiency, wastewater treatment plant, separate network (drinking water, grey water), rainwater retention and treatment, reuse of recycled wastewater for irrigation.

Urban services management :

Separation, collection, reuse and recycling of waste, optimization of urban mobility, compact and equipped neighborhoods.