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Master’s Program in Materials Sciences and Engineering

Master’s Program in Materials Sciences and Engineering

Accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education ,Scientific Research and Innovation .

  • School / Department : IST&I / Materials Science, Energy and Nano-Engineering (MSN)
  • Duration : 2 years / 4 semesters / 1200 hours
  • Mode of Instruction : Full time 
  • Language(s): Courses conducted in  French and English 
  • Degree required upon admission: BAC+ 3
  • Degree granted upon completion: BAC+ 5
  • Training venue : Mohammed VI Polytechnic University – Benguerir
  • Interrupted program


The Master’s in Materials Sciences and Engineering was developed based on the Moroccan socio-economic context as well as on the scientific policy of Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P). This program focuses on mastering the interactions between processes, structures and properties of materials in order to contribute to the technology transfer and technical assistance for the benefit of companies; thus supporting the economic and social development of the continent. This training will allow students to directly consider an integration into the business world or a continuation of doctoral studies in the field of applied materials.

In general, the training facilitates the acquisition of the following skills and know-how:

  • Global knowledge of the applied materials sector;

  • Basic knowledge of functional materials: resource evaluation, introduction to the conversion process, system performance, dimensioning tools;

  • Economic evaluation: estimation of the profitability and competitiveness of projects and innovative solutions to problems and needs related to materials and their lifetimes;

  • Technical expertise on one of the four profiles related to the proposed courses (Surface Treatment, Energy, Sustainable Mining Development, Polymer Materials and Composites).

Beyond the technical skills that revolve around the mastery, design, development and characterization of all types of materials destined directly for industrial applications or that which fit into the priority research themes in Morocco, students will also acquire soft skills (communication, teamwork and English) and business skills (innovation, entrepreneurship, project management) allowing them to interact effectively in their future working environments.

Pr. Jones ALAMI


Prof. Jones Alami is a Professor at UM6P and the Head of the Materials Science and Nano-engineering (MSN) department, since December 2016. He has a Master’s degree in applied physics and electronics, a Doctorate in plasma physics and a PhD in materials science, especially thin film physics from the University of Linköping in Sweden. He had been a Postdoc at Aachen University in Germany, and later a Research Manager and Innovations Manager at large PVD coating system manufacturers in Germany. In 2011, Mr. Alami founded and managed a German research company concerned with developing surface solutions for the PVD market, and simultaneously held the position of Joint-Professor at the prestigious Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Science. 
He is one of the pioneers of Enhanced Ionized Sputtering, has more than 48 peer-reviewed publications, 4 patent applications and more than 10 invited talks at international venues. His review on HIPIMS technology was the most cited article in Surface and Coatings Technology journal between 2011 and 2015. 
Apart from his managerial activities at UM6P, which include science and technology research coordination, he is entrusted with establishing a Coating and Surface Technology research group, and contributing to the University’s innovation, and entrepreneurship culture.


  • University Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, MOROCCO

  • University Hassan I, Settat, MOROCCO

  • University Hassan II, Casablanca, MOROCCO

  • University Koblenz-Landau, Koblenz, GERMANY

  •  Hydro-Québec, CANADA

  • Institute of Research for Ceramics (IRCER), FRANCE


Training content


Module 1

Physico-Chemistry of Solid Materials

Module 2

Materials Analysis 1

Module 3

Thermodynamics and Kinetics

Module 4

Polymers & Materials Resistance

Module 5


Module 6

Industrial Processes


Module 7

Extraction and Valorization of Phosphates

Module 8

Vacuum Science And Technology

Module 9

Electrochemistry & Corrosion

Module 10

Chemical Risks and Laboratory Safety

Module 11

Research, Innovation, Project Management and Business Intelligence

Module 12

Communication & Professional English


Common Core

Module 13

Initiation to entrepreneurship 

Module 14

Material Analysis 2


Module 15


Module 16

Thin Film Physics

Module 17

Corrosion & Protection

Module 18

Fundamentals of Surface Science


Module 15

Energy Storage

Module 16

Renewable Energy

Module 17

Energy Conversion

Module 18

Battery & Fuel Cell Materials



Module 15

Geochemistry of Phosphates

Module 16

Industrial Ecology

Module 17

Life Cycle Analysis and Rational use of Resources

Module 18

Industrial Solid Waste Management and Recycling of Materials


Module 15

Polymer physics & rheology

Module 16

Technology of polymer composites and nanocomposites

Module 17

Processing of polymers and composites

Module 18

Biosourced polymers and biocomposites


End of Studies Project

The End of Studies Project (PFE) aims to put the student in a real situation, within a company developing an R&D project or within a research laboratory. This internship will enable students, in terms of skills and know-how, to face the constraints inherent in the world of business.




In a unique approach, University Mohammed VI Polytechnic implements an innovative teaching and research model focused on experimentation.

The University's sites are equipped with "Living Labs" dedicated to applied research. These laboratories simulate actual work place situations as in mining facilities, experimental farms, factories, towns, etc. open to the scientific community and students.

As part of this Master's degree, students will have particular access to Benguerir's Experimental Mine, Safi's Chemical Hub, UM6P’s automation and digitization technology test lab and to the renewable energy laboratory of the Green Energy Park.

Moreover, UM6P laboratories have equipments which will be used for practical work, analysis and characterization by: SEM, BET, CPG, HPLC, ICP-MS, FTIR, UV, ATD, DSC, and XRF.

The digital education are also part of this master’s program including new approaches such as the “flipped classroom”.

This new teaching method allows students to prepare the course and acquire the necessary knowledge before coming to class (and this on the basis of various online resources) and to take advantage of the time freed up in class to clarify, deepen and consolidate concepts, to actively and interactively apply all the knowledge learned in advance and to organize group activities and projects, etc.

Finally, pedagogical dynamics encourage active participation, creativity, collective work and encourage learning autonomy.



This master’s degree opens great prospects for students both in the academic and business worlds.

Graduates will be able to continue their studies as part of a thesis, start their own business or occupy a position in an industrial and economic activity where they will be able to exercise their know-how in the fields of materials (production, transformation, functionalization, storage, conversion, recovery and design of organic and inorganic materials) such as:

  • Automotive and aeronautical industries

  • Renewable energies

  • Mining companies

  • Cement, ceramics and glass companies

  • Mining environment

  • Plastics and Textile

  • Electrical mobility (Batteries)

  • Analysis centers

  • Research and development services

  • Design offices

  • Business creation (entrepreneurial projects).

Admission and Practical Information


This master’s degree opens great prospects for students both in the academic and business worlds.

Graduates will be able to continue their studies as part of a thesis, start their own business or occupy a position in an industrial and economic activity where they will be able to exercise their know-how in the fields of materials (production, transformation, functionalization, storage, conversion, recovery and design of organic and inorganic materials) such as:

  • Automotive and aeronautical industries

  • Renewable energies

  • Mining companies

  • Cement, ceramics and glass companies

  • Mining environment

  • Plastics and Textile

  • Electrical mobility (Batteries)

  • Analysis centers

  • Research and development services

  • Design offices

  • Business creation (entrepreneurial projects).

We invite you to sign up online via the link by completing the requested information or by contacting us at : .

If you are shortlisted, you will be invited to a written competitive examination followed by an oral interview in keeping with the following schedule:

  • 10th of June : Application deadline

  • June- July : Written examination and oral interview

  • End of July-August : Admission results and receipt of scholarship application files

  • September/Early October : Start of term.

Given the current health situation, the dates and admission process may change. We will keep you informed.


The tuition fees are:

  • Registration fees (year 1): 5,000 MAD

  • Annual tuition fees: 75,000 MAD

Added to this are accommodation fees and catering on campus.

Scholarships can be awarded to the brightest students via an attractive scholarship scheme based on meritocracy and social criteria. The scholarships benefit a large number of our students. We invite you to contact us for more information.



Pour toutes questions, nous vous invitons à contacter les responsables suivants : 

Pr. Houssine SEHAQUI
Pr. Houssine SEHAQUI

Program Coordinator
Email :

Pr. Houssine SEHAQUI

Program Assistant